The Soft Landing Program
consists of three phases



In this phase, startups will be assessed as per eligibility criteria requirements and a brief market research would be undertaken to evaluate the startup prospects in India. Subsequently the company would be guided with a detailed Soft Landing Plan to leverage upon the Indian opportunities for them.

Soft Landing

During this phase, the startup company will need to be in India to conduct pivot tests to validate product market penetration in India. Each startup Soft landing program will be tailored as per the requirements and it will be important for the startup founder/representative be available for minimum 6 weeks for validating their product market penetration in India. The startups will need to work from Autonebula Incubation Center at Pune or Bengaluru location in India.

Pivot Tests

The international startups get an opportunity to work with OEMs / Subject Matter and validate their assumptions through a structured methodology. The startups also have an opportunity to attend few of the incubation program sessions to fine tune their business model
and pitch decks for subsequent funding if needed to potential advanced stage investors